Odor Control and Odor Mitigation
Nothing can excite your neighbors more than odor issues. From chemistry to landfill gas wellfield tuning and gas system design expertise, we offer a unique set of skills and experience that will resolve your odor issues quickly and permanently.

Investigation and Remediation of Groundwater Impacts
Before you invest time, effort, and money into groundwater remedial measures, are you sure:
- you actually have impacts (i.e., is it naturally occurring or due to some off-site source)
- your groundwater data is representative of actual groundwater conditions
- you know the contaminate source(s)
- you have identified and eliminated potential pathways for the contamination
Our decades of experience have provided us insight into the issues that can complicate and mislead groundwater investigation and remediation efforts. Put that experience to work for you.

Gas Migration Response and Mitigation
Off-site gas migration often requires a quick and aggressive response. You need to get out in front of the issue before you lose control of the process to the local, state, or federal agencies. In this situation, you need a consultant standing with you who has the credibility and experience to address the technical issues while helping you communicate with stakeholders. We know what needs to get done and what it takes because we have been there.